Celebrating Halloween at Athens College Elementary School

Apart from being a means of communication, language is also a way of getting to know another world and another culture.
Within this context, the English Department once again celebrated Halloween, an old Anglo-Saxon holiday that is observed in the United Kingdom and North America. Younger students made original constructions ,masks, and drawings and sang in the spirit (or the spirits…) of this holiday!
Using relevant educational materials, older students researched the origins of the holiday and made correlations and comparisons with similar holidays around the world, such as Carnival in Greece or Día de los Muertos in Mexico. They also had an opportunity to use their imagination and writing talent to create scary stories.
Due to current circumstances, the traditional “Trick or Treat” did not take place this year. It was replaced instead by an entertaining Treasure Hunt in the forest. Second graders donned their masks and followed the clues to find all the words related to Halloween. They then matched them with the correct letter and drew them in their notebooks. A unique treasure hunt that was a lot of fun!
Until next year!