Humanitarian Aid Dispatched to the Residents of Samos
Our School’s students dispatched humanitarian aid to the residents of Samos who were afflicted by the catastrophic earthquake of October 30th. Throughout the month of November, students from our Elementary Schools and “J.M. Carras” Kindergarten collected personal hygiene and cleaning items, as well as long shelf life foods, stationery supplies, school backpacks, bed linens, toys, and clothing. Despite the adverse conditions stemming from the lockdown, approximately 250 shipping boxes were filled with items collected at Athens College Elementary School and thereafter sent to the island’s relevant public agencies and official bodies for distribution to those in need.
At the same time, the student communities of Athens College - Psychico College Junior High and High Schools continue to raise money with which they will buy interactive whiteboards (smartboards) for the schools in affected areas of the island. This action will conclude on December 15.
In these final days, with the spirit of Christmas warming our hearts, let us offer as much as we can, and bring joy to the children of Samos and their teachers. Let a pleasant surprise await them when they return to school. A smartboard.
Monetary gifts are deposited in the account maintained by the College at National Bank of Greece:
100 / 480122-97
IBAN: GR14 0110 1000 0000 1004 8012 297
When making a deposit, be certain to include your full name and the word “Samos” in the relevant field.