International UIA-Architecture & Children GOLDEN CUBES AWARDS 2017-2020

On Tuesday, June 2, the Technical Chamber of Greece announced the candidates who will represent Greece at the International UIA Architecture & Children Golden Cubes Awards.
According to the announcement, Athens College Elementary School’s project, titled “Basic Instructions on How to Keep One’s Personal Logbook,” will represent Greece in the School Award category.
This project is the result of the Architecture Program that began a decade ago (2011) at Athens College Elementary School. Its primary objective is to introduce students to Architecture by cultivating their observation skills and helping them to understand the concept of scale. The program is designed and implemented by our School’s parent-architects who help students become familiar with the built environment, construction materials and possibilities, as well as concepts of architectural form.
Initially, select sections from various grade levels participated in the program. In recent years, however, the Architecture Program has been incorporated into the curriculum of all 5th grade sections. It takes place over the course of 8 meetings and the final activity is the production of a 3D model of Bodossakeio School. Fifth grade students and teachers show great enthusiasm and participate robustly in the entire process.
We are exceptionally happy that Athens College Elementary School will represent our nation at the International Awards!