Kindergarten participates in International UIA-Architecture & Children Golden Cubes Awards
“John M. Carras” Kindergarten dedicated academic year 2018-2019 to Architecture. Kindergarten parents-architects visited the School where they suggested and planned STEAM-based activities in collaboration with teachers, under the coordination of mother-architect, Mrs. Sinou-Politi.
Students became familiar with multifaceted thinking, observation, analysis, design, and the use of many different materials. Through a variety of stimuli and the valuable knowledge of our parents-architects, Kindergarten students practiced free expression and complex thinking and strengthened their creativity and ingenuity. Throughout the year, students thought about, designed, and built a model city that encompassed the individual house that each student constructed.
They then created individual STEAM booklets in which they presented the process and the result of their work. These booklets formed the basis of their entry in the International UIA-Architecture & Children Golden Cubes Awards 2017 – 2020 Competition.
Mr. Damianos Abakoumkin, architect-civil engineer, member of the UIA-Architecture & Children Working Program was the person in charge of organizing the nomination process of Greek candidates. He joyfully informed us that the 5-member judging committee selected “J.M. Carras” Kindergarten’s project, “An Architectural Design created by Kindergarten students,” among the top contenders, thus qualifying it for the second round of the Competition in the WRITTEN MEDIA AWARD category! This second round, which will see 70 entries representing 29 countries competing against one another, will be held in the fall in Paris. Among those entries are our Schools! Congratulations to our students!
We look forward to seeing our Kindergarten’s project displayed in a special exhibition at the 27th World Congress of the International Association of Architects, titled “All the worlds. Just one world. Architecture 21,” that will take place in Rio in the summer of 2021.