International Distinction Awarded to Make-A-Wish Hellas for Program Involving Athens College Junior High Students
Make-A-Wish Hellas’ pioneering VolunTEENS program, in which Athens College Junior High School students participate, was awarded the 2019 Fundraising Innovation Award by Make-A-Wish International. VolunTEENS aims to help students plan to fulfill the wish of a sick child, but to also think creatively about how this experience could be made unforgettable for that child.

The VolunTEENS program was implemented in academic years 2018-2019 and 2019-2020, in collaboration with the Parent’s Association of Athens College Junior High School, as part of the College’s volunteer and social outreach activities. To date, fifty six (56) 8th and 9th grade students, 4 teachers, and 4 members of the Parents’ Association have participated in the program and have designed 6 actions to fulfill the wishes of children with serious illnesses. It should be noted that this is the first time in Make-A-Wish’s 25 years of operation that Junior High School students undertake the design of a child’s wish on their own.
The General Manager of Make-A-Wish Hellas, Ms. Sandra Zafirakopoulou, stated: “We owe a huge thank you to the Junior High School Parents’ Association and to Athens College Junior High School. Not only did they endear themselves to our work, but they helped us to set it up and make it workable for our children. It should be the goal of each and every one of us to contribute to our children’s education in terms of values, substance and the role of volunteering. You have our gratitude.”