Graduates Interested in Sitting 2021 PanHellenic Exams Invited to Submit Application-Declaration

Graduates Interested in Sitting 2021 PanHellenic Exams Invited to Submit Application-Declaration

Mar 8, 2021

Dear graduates,

Please be informed that in accordance with Ministry Decision Φ.251/22933/Α5/26-02-2021 (Β’826), graduates who wish to sit the general high school 2021 PanHellenic Exams should submit their application-declaration between Monday, March 8 and Friday, March 19, 2021 at the high school from which they graduated or at the high school closest to the location of their residence.

Christos I. Konstantopoulos
Athens College
High School Director

Panagiotis Giannoulatos
Psychico College
High School Director
