Psychico College High School Students Qualify for the Final Round of the 33rd PanHellenic Informatics (IT) Competition

Mar 26, 2021

The following Psychico College High School students successfully completed the 2nd Round of the PanHellenic Informatics Competition, earning them the right to compete in the 3rd and final round from which the National Informatics Team will be determined:

Emmanouil Chatzigeorgiou




Charikleia Moraitaki




Anastasios Moraitis




Veatriki Mpenou



The Panhellenic (Student) Informatics Competition (PDP) aims to cultivate computer literacy in students and is organized by the Greek Computer and Communication Society (EPY), under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Education, Research and Religion (YPEPTH).  PDP is the national round of competitions leading to the International Informatics Olympiad, which is organized under the auspices of UNESCO. 

Warm congratulations to our students!


