First Online Meeting between Athens College President, SAKA President and Fellow Alumni

Mar 30, 2021



On Saturday, March 20, Athens College President, Prof. Costas Synolakis ΄75, together with SAKA President, Konstantinos Papadiamantis ’75, Esq., conducted their first, very encouraging, online meeting with fellow alumni from around the globe. It gave them an opportunity to talk about the future of the School, as well as the timeless relationships amongst alumni.

The event was organized by SAKA and its Chapters abroad.

In his opening statement, Mr. Synolakis spoke about all the initiatives he has taken since July of last year and followed with his vision for the future of the School.  Similarly, Mr. Papadiamantis gave a brief account of his tenure as President of SAKA, highlighting the important role that the recently created Chapters have played in bringing alumni from around the world close to one another and to the School.




Messrs. Synolakis and Papadiamantis then answered questions that alumni who joined them online asked.  The discussion was particularly constructive from both ends, each expressing their hope that similar events would be repeated in the future.

The event was coordinated by Michalis Kosmidis ’78, SAKA UK Chapter Organizing Committee: Journalist & Director of Journalism studies at London South Bank University and Misyrlena Egkolfopoulou ’09, SAKA USA Chapter Organizing Committee: Journalist at Bloomberg News.


