Athens College High School Students Qualify for Final Round of Greek Economics Olympiad
The Economics Olympiad is organized with the approval of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, the support of the General Secretariat of Public Diplomacy and Hellenes Abroad of the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as the support of the Bank of Greece. Over 100 high schools from around Greece took part in the competition.
Following their participation of the 2nd Regional Round, nine Athens College High School students qualified for the Final Found of the Greek Economics Olympiad that will take place in Athens after the conclusion of the Panhellenic Exams (an announcement regarding exact date and venue of the finals will be forthcoming).
The Athens College High School students who qualified are:
Surname | First Name |
Aisopos | Alexandros | |
Aisopos | Dimitrios | |
Amirali | Elli | |
Papagiannis | Alexandros | |
Papakyriakou | Eirini-Filippa | |
Politis | Georgios (father: Evaggelos) | |
Toutziaridis | Alkiviadis-Ioannis | |
Tsomokos | Aris-Panagiotis | |
Vairis | Alexandros |