New Regional Scholarships from Athens College

As part of the Regional Scholarship Program of Athens College, the “Konstantinos and Rhea Nanopoulos” Scholarship and the “Ioanna Palaiologou” Scholarship offer students who reside and hail from broader region of Magnesia and the regional unit of Lemnos, respectively, an opportunity to study at the College. The scholarships are available for candidates will enter 7th grade (A΄ Gymnasium) in 2021-2022 through the Admissions Exams.
These Scholarships are aimed at students with high achievement who meet the criteria for admission to the College and whose families are need of financial assistance. In the event that families cannot provide accommodation for the scholar in Athens, there are provisions to cover living expenses for ten months of each academic year.
Admissions Exams for the Regional Scholarships will be held on Saturday, June 26, 2021 in Volos and Lemnos respectively, from 09:00 to 14:00. The deadline for submitting an application is Monday, June 14.
Learn more about the Regional Scholarships, the Admission Exams syllabus, and the criteria for admission to the College in the link below: