Athens College Junior High School UNESCO Club Members Participate in 6th UNESCO ASPnet Symposium of Attica Junior High Schools

Students of Athens College Junior High School’s UNESCO Club successfully participated in the 6th Attica Junior High Schools Symposium of the ASPnet UNESCO Network on “The Emergence of Artificial Intelligence.” The symposium, held online, was organized by the Ministry of Educational and Religious Affairs, the Hellenic National Commission for UNESCO and Leontios School Junior High, which hosted the event.
Our students had an opportunity to present a digital narrative on the positive and negative effects of Artificial Intelligence. They also participated in working groups with students from other schools where they engaged in discussions and reached interesting conclusions on the issue. Whilst preparing for the symposium, they attended an online seminar on the Artificial Intelligence that approached the topic from technical and ethical perspectives. The latter was organized by Leontios School, with scientific lectures given by distinguished guest speakers from Greece and abroad.
Congratulations to all our students for their response to the work of both events!
Lastly, a special thank you to student Maria Psarraki (β8) for the technical editing of the video that follows, as well as to all the UNESCO Club student-members for their participation: specifically, Maritina Agoranou (β1), Stelios Antoniadis (β1), Maria Chatzigaki (β8), Afroditi Chrysochoidi (β8), Anna Karvela (γ4), Vasiliki Maragkou (γ5), Evaggelos Tsaprounis (β8), and Iliana Vorri (β1).