Final Round of Howland Oratory Competition at Psychico College

May 24, 2021

The final round of Psychico College’s Howland Oratory Competition, open to high school seniors, was held on Monday, May 24, 2021 in the IC Hall of Alexandra Martinou building.

Winner of the HOWLAND Prize for academic year 2020-2021 is Eirini Petropouliadi.

The contestants’ speeches were on the following theme:
The vision of the founders of Athens College was “to educate and shape the character of Greek boys from Greece and from abroad, They dreamt of a school that would provide Greek society with patriotic men, humanists […]”

Steph. Delta,  “Establishment, goal and undertaking of Athens College, I”, Ergasia magazine, vol. 136 (August 7, 1932), p. 997

1.  What content does the concept of patriotism and national consciousness take for the modern Greek within the framework of the 21st century’s globalized society?

2.  How is the concept of patriotism achieved through the experiences and actions of our School that aim to cultivate a sense of social contribution?

The panel of judges was comprised of:  Mr. Stylianos Koutnatzis ΄95, Attorney at Law, Secretary of the Council of Ministers, and Secretary General for Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, Presidency of the Government | Ms. Anastasia Mania - Mousama ΄88, Human Resources Manager at Aluman S.A., and | Mr. Alexandros Phylactopoulos ΄65, member of the Athens College Board of Directors, President of College Year in Athens and the International Center for Hellenic and Mediterranean Studies.

Students who qualified for the final round of the competition were:
1. Dimitropoulou, Ioanna

2. Galanou, Ivi-Anna

3. Ntrizos, Ioannis

4. Petropouliadi, Eirini

5. Tsimaras, Gerasimos  

In addition to the above, the following students qualified for the semi-finals:
1. Geramani, Chrysoula - Chysanthi

2. Kalantzi, Iliana

3. Kalokyri, Dimitra - Theodora

4. Stefanou, Styliani

5. Vergou, Maria

Congratulations to all the students who made it to the finals and semi-finals of the competition.

