Grades 1-6 Program of Athens College Elementary School
The big brother-sister / buddy program for students of our School is an awareness campaign aimed at encouraging the development of positive interpersonal relationships, and thus cultivating the psycho-emotional growth of our students.
The beginning of Elementary School and the transition to Junior High School are important milestones in the life of a child, which are made easier to handle through the activities and programs that have been developed for our students. More specifically, grade 1 students are supported by grade 6 students during their adjustment to the new school environment. For grade 6 students, this also teaches them to take initiative, to behave responsibly, and to develop the communication skills necessary to engage with younger students. This experience also serves to prepare them for their transition to Junior High School, where a few months later, they will be the younger ones!
Teachers coordinate this effort by preparing students for the scheduled activities, focusing on the nature and quality of the relationships between the students in order to promote their emotional and social development. Members of the Psychoeducational Department and teachers cooperate closely throughout the program. Monthly events and activities will take place throughout the school year, aimed at reinforcing the relationship between the grade 1 and grade 6 students, and creating happy memories from the school environment.
Grade 6 students met with their grade 1 peers in the outdoor Chessboard Theater and in the school sports fields last week, launching the communication and interaction activities of the school for this year.