Recycling Activities at Athens College

Since the start of academic year 2021-2022, High School students Giorgos Chaidemenos, Dionysis Livanos, and Giannos Stergiou, in collaboration with the Department of Social Welfare and Diversity have completed six presentations to the student communities of the Elementary, Junior High and High Schools. They presented in detail the paper recycling efforts that are taking place in our School. Students asked them questions and were motivated to support this effort. These presentations are part of the wider efforts to raise awareness in the student body and the wider College family regarding the necessity and value of recycling, with a special focus on paper which is the main waste of a school.
The College has always been active and aware of Environmental issues. The recycling drive was restarted during the 2020-2021 school year, with a range of activities to raise awareness in the Student Councils of the College school units. This effort continues in the current school year, with the speeches of the students and with the creation of sub-groups of students to drive recycling in each school unit. We hope these efforts continue in the coming years.