Psychico College Junior High School students who successfully completed the 82nd PanHellenic Mathematics Competition “THALES”

Psychico College Junior High School students who distinguished themselves in the 82nd PanHellenic Student Competition in Mathematics “THALES” are:
Kalogiannidis Filippos (Grade 8)
Polumenakou Andrianna (Grade 8)
Prapa Marina (Grade 8)
Our students qualified to participate in the National Mathematics Olympiad “ARCHIMEDES”, which will take place on Saturday, February 26, 2022 at 10 a.m. in Athens and several Regional Centers, which will be announced in the upcoming days on the Hellenic Mathematics Society website.
The winners of “ARCHIMEDES” will determine the team members who will participate in the Balkan Mathematics Olympiad and the International Mathematics Olympiad.
Congratulations to our students for their successes and we wish them best of luck in the National Mathematics Olympiad!