Athens College High School students qualify for the second round of the Economics Olympiad
The first round of the 2nd Greek Economics Olympiad was held online from February 14 to February 18, 2022. The Economics Olympiad is organized by the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs and supported by the Secretary General for Public Diplomacy and Greeks Abroad of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as the National Bank of Greece. Students from 174 schools all over the country competed.
From Athens
College High School, they were:
Surname | Name | Section |
Aesopos | Αlexandros | Β3 |
Αesopos | Dimitrios | Β4 |
Amiralis | Elle | Β3 |
Αnastasiou | Dimitrios | Α1 |
Vairis | Αlexandros | Β3 |
Gerontopoulos | Christos | Β3 |
Douka | Μelpomeni | Α3 |
Drakopoulou | Aimilia-Maria | Α3 |
Ζacharaki | Αnastasia | Α3 |
Κailas | Christos-Georgios | Α3 |
Lamprinopoulou | Εleftheria-Elia | Β5 |
Τsomokos | Aris-Panagiotis | Β8 |
Christodoulou | Filippos | Β8 |
Students were coached by Economics teacher Mr. Anastasios Ioannou.
Congratulations to all for their successes! We wish them best of luck in the following rounds!