Athens College Elementary celebrates Safe Internet Day 2022 with presentations by the students and many awards
The Computer Science department of the Athens College Elementary School organized with great success again this year the Safe Internet Day 2022 (Tuesday, February 8, 2022 https://www.saferinternetday.org/), demonstrating that our students’ voices are very powerful in the digital world too.
The event in our School took place on Friday, February 11, 2022, on the key message “Block and Report are acts of courage”.
During Computer Science classes, in the PYP section “The effects of technology on our lives depend on its use”, all Grade 6 sections explored different aspects of safe internet navigation, and created information videos. The videos were presented during this year’s event and all the School’s sections watched with great interest and excitement.
The event concluded with Quizzes by level (lower section, middle section, higher section). Each section from the School was asked to answer a question relating to the key message of this year’s event.
The efforts of Grade 6 students were recognized by the student body, and received very positive feedback.
At the end of the event, students from Sections 6β and 6ε were presented with certificates for their participation in the National Competition organized by the Greek Safer Internet Center. It was also announced that section 6β received an “Honorable Mention” for their participation. Finally, the awards for the school year 2021 by Google for students from Grades 5 and 6 and their projects on the Computer Science class section “Safety Online” were announced.
Below you can see the videos that were shown during Safe Internet Day 2022 in our School, and the videos by sections 6β and 6ε created for the National Competition by the Greek Safer Internet Center.