1st Place in the “International EU-CONEXUS School Contest 2nd edition - Think Smart, Create Green” competition for Psychico College Junior High School team
A Psychico College Junior High School team won 1st place in the international competition “International EU-CONEXUS School Contest 2nd edition - Think Smart, Create Green”, in the 12-14 year old category.
The Junior High Grade 2 team consisted of students Maria Danai Matrakidi, Melina Michalopoulou, Myrto Foteini Babatsikou and Monika Beracha, and the teacher responsible for the team was Angeliki Zoupa. The team designed and planned a Smart Mall in the residential parts of Athens. They presented their project titled “A Smart Mall” to the international committee on May 5, 2022. The team had previously received the 1st award in Greece on April 5, qualifying for the international competition.
The competition “International EU-CONEXUS School Contest 2nd edition - Think Smart, Create Green” was organized as a collaboration of 9 European Universities on Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability, including the Agricultural University of Athens. The aim was to raise awareness among students on environmental sustainability, to develop their skills and creativity, and reinforce their team work skills.
Students aged 12-14 had to create a three-dimensional model, using sustainable and biodegradable materials, which would be accompanied by a written description detailing the innovations they were proposing in order to make European ports and cities smarter and more sustainable.
The judging panel of the competition was impressed by our students’ innovative ideas and mentioned that “…The level of detail in the winning model is stunning”. On Wednesday, May 18, the team attended a special event of the Agricultural University of Athens and received certificates for taking part in the competition. Our students have been invited to present their project at the “EU-CONEXUS Final Dissemination Conference” which will be held in Brussels in October.
Congratulations to our students for their exceptional success!