"Leadership for Learning" Educational Seminar
Within the framework of the Athens College continuous teacher development program, on Monday and Tuesday July 18-19 2022, took place the two day educational seminar “Leadership for Learning” for all members of the School Direction and Educational Department Heads/Coordinators. The seminar was organized in collaboration with the Delaware Academy for School Leadership of the University of Delaware and attended by 55 members of our educational staff.
- Dr. David W. Santore, Senior Associate Director
- Tracy Hudson, Educational Leadership Specialist
- Dr. Le Roy Whitehead, Educational Leadership Specialist
Day 1
- Participants explored various leadership styles and how they can be
applied in educational settings to maximize student achievement. In
addition, specific systems and methods in which all school leaders, including
teacher leaders, can promote research-based teaching and learning practices were examined.
Day 2
- Emphasis was given on a culture of coaching to emphasize constant
improvement of all administrators, teachers, and staff. In addition,
research and theory on change leadership were also a focus. Finally,
practical ways to help teachers understand and implement differentiated
learning experiences for students were discussed.