Psychico College High School student receives award for her achievements at the 2022 World Gymnasiade in Normandy
On Friday, September 30 2022, Psychico College High School student Anna Maria Ivic received an award by Minister of Education and Religious Affairs Ms. Niki Kerameus for her achievements in Track and Field at the World Gymnasiade of the International Sports Federation (ISF) that took place last May in Normandy, France.
The award ceremony took place during the “SPORTS every day, HEALTH for LIFE” event organized by the National Gym of Athens “Fokianos Sports Park” to celebrate the 9th Panhellenic – Pan European Day for School Athletics. Students from different schools received awards for their wins in 2022 International School Championships.
Present at this event was also Athens College High School Physical Education teacher Mr. Theodoros Grammaticopoulos, who was the Leader of the Greek Track and Field Team at the International Championship in Normandy.