Athens College Elementary School Teacher Presentation at Two-Day Bio-economy Workshop Common Ground Camp: Co-creating Novel Approaches of Teaching, Learning and Spreading about the Bio-economy” by HSPN
Ms. Marianthi Giannakopoulou, teacher of Athens College Elementary School, presented the actions of the Environmental and Gardening Club, following an invitation by the Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature (HSPN) to participate in a Bio-economy workshop titled "Transforming Education to Τransform the World: Exemplary Practices in Green Education". The two-day workshop " Common Ground Camp: Co-creating Novel Approaches of Teaching, Learning and Spreading about the Bio-economy”, held in English, was organized in the framework of the European project GenB, involved both formal and non-formal education communities and took place at Stanley Hotel, in Athens on February 21 and 22, 2023.
For more information: https://eubionet.eu/genb-common-ground-camp-on-bioeconomy-education/