Athens College Forensics Team wins 1st Place at Panhellenic Forensics Association Tournament 2023
Our School’s Forensics team won 1st place at this year's Panhellenic Forensics Association Tournament (PFAT 2023), which was organized by Athens College on March 16-19, 2023.
Our team received:
- 1st Place Sweepstakes Cup, with 11 Finalists and 2 Honorable Mentions and 3 Honorable Mentions
- Debate Cup, with the team of Jake David (IB1), Kyriakos Gerogiannis (ΙΒ1), Vasilis Perrotis (ΙΒ1), Maria Karolina Rokka (HS3, AC), and Leonidas Tsaousis (HS3, PC)
- Debate Best Speaker Award, awarded to Jake David, who ranked 1st in the overall individual speaker rankings in Debate. Maria Karolina Rokka was in 2nd place, while Maximos Papaioannides (IB1) and Leonidas Tsaousis tied in 3rd, with Kyriakos Georgiannis ranking in 5th place.
- First Among Equals in Duet Acting Comic was awarded to Anastasia Ilaera Achourioti (ΙΒ2) and Marilena Mourtzouchou (HS3, PC).
It should be noted that our team had Finalists in every event. Congratulations to:
Original Oratory
- Marilena Mourtzouchou (HS3, PC)
- Aris Panagiotis Tsomokos (HS3, AC)
Oral Interpretation of Literature Dramatic
- Finalist: Marilena Mourtzouchou (HS3, PC)
- Honorable Mention: Anastasia Ilaera Achourioti (ΙΒ2)
Oral Interpretation of Literature Comic
- Finalist: Erica Dritsa (JH3, AC)
Impromptu Speaking
- Ariadne Mihalou (ΙΒ1)
- Konstantina Vekri (ΙΒ2)
Group Discussion
- Martha Alevra (ΙΒ1)
- Filippa Papachristopoulou (ΙΒ1)
- Honorable Mention: Eleni Zambeli (JH3, AC)
Duet Acting Dramatic
- Finalists: Christina Kokkali (ΙΒ2) and Iro Mavrou (ΙΒ2)
Duet Acting Comic
- First Among Equals: Anastasia Ilaera Achourioti (ΙΒ2) and Marilena Mourtzouchou (HS3, PC)
- Finalists: Ioanna Perroti (HS3, AC) and Aris Panagiotis Tsomokos
(HS3, PC)
Congratulations to the Debate team of Manos Alevras (ΙΒ1), Leonidas Marinopoulos (ΙΒ1), Alexia Papageorgiou (ΙΒ1), Maximos Papaioannides (ΙΒ1) and Eftychia ChrIstodoulou (ΙΒ2) who reached the semi-finals of the competition.
The Forensics team that represented our School in this year’s PFAT includes 41 students: Achourioti Anastasia Ilaera, Alevra Martha, Alevras Manos, Antoniadou Sofia, Caushi Anxhela, Chissa Eleftheria, Christodoulou Christina, Christodoulou Eftychia, David Jake, Drakopoulou Aimilia, Drakopoulou Ioanna, Dritsa Errica, Emmanouil-Kefalogiannis Fragkiskos, Gerogiannis Kyriakos, Gontika Xanthi, Kailas Christos, Kokkali Christina, Loras Sophia Maria, Marinopoulos Leonidas, Mavrou Iro, Mihalou Ariadne, Mourtzouchou Marilena, Papachristopoulou Filippa, Papadodima Ioanna, Papadopoulos Giorgos, Papageorgiou Alexia, Papaioannides Maximos, Papakyriakou Eirini, Papasakellariou Melina, Perroti Ioanna, Perrotis Vasilis, Rokka Maria Karolina, Tsaousis Leonidas, Tsekouras Andreas, Tsimbre Daphne, Tsomokos Aris Panagiotis, Tzoannou Clio, Varela Aliki, Vasilara Christiana, Vekri Konstantina, and Zambeli Eleni.
Thank you to the Forensics coaches who prepared our team for this competition: Eriketi Andreadaki, Phaedra Angelaki, Giorgos Aravossis, Kallina Basli, Nadia Dourida, George Filippopoulos, Vayianna Fotakidou, Dimitris Kokoroskos, Vicky Mavrika, Alexandra Paivana, and Vassilis Tsipopoulos. We also thank Heather Quirk and Mina Vogia ’14 for their support with the practices.
Congratulations to all the students and coaches for these great successes, in a year where they were also called on to organize the event.