Athens College High School Students' Distinction in Panhellenic Physics Competition ‘Aristotle’
The Physics Competition 'Aristotle’ is an event organized by the Physics Department of the University of Athens together with the Hellenic Physics Society for Science and Education.
Round 1 of the Competition for all High Schools took place on Friday, March 10, 2023. Papers submitted by Grade 10 and Grade 11 students were assessed by the teachers of the schools, while papers submitted by Grade 12 students were assessed by the Physics Department of the University of Athens.
The students who
hold the first 5 places in Round 2, will participate in the Physics Olympiad taking
place in Tokyo at the end of April.
Grade 10 Student Distinctions
Mastorakis Stavros
Skevis Nikolaos-Emmanouil
Souravlas Kimon-Ioannis
Grade 11 Student Distinctions
Koukas Achilleas Vasileios
Makri Dimitra
Stefanidis Andreas
Chatzigakis Christos
The following Grade
12 students qualified for Round 2 of the Competition:
Kyrkilis Nikitas
Filosidis Spyridon
Chatziapostolou Orestis
Congratulations to all our students and we wish every success to Grade 12 students in the next Round of the Competition.