Teachers of the English Department of the Athens College Elementary School participated in the 1st Panhellenic Scientific Conference with International Participation "The 17 Sustainable Development Goals in Education"

Athens College Elementary School teachers Faye Kafetzopoulou and Marianthi Giannakopoulou participated in the 1st Panhellenic Scientific Conference with International Participation "The 17 Sustainable Development Goals in Education" Teaching, Lifelong Learning, Inclusion and Innovation for the Green and Digital Transition, that took place in Kastoria from 29/09 to 01/10/2023. The teachers organized, coordinated and implemented a workshop on "How to Give Your Lessons A Sustainability Twist" and presented ways to integrate the 17 Sustainable Development Goals in the teaching of English. During the conference, our teachers exchanged views with colleagues of various disciplines and levels, including Mrs. Ioanna Papaioannou, Head of Environmental Education of the Regional Education Department of Achaia and coordinator of the international network "Young Journalists for the Environment".