Elementary Schools F1 Clubs Info Session by D. Polymatidis
On Wednesday, December 6, the Formula 1 Clubs of both Athens College and Psychico College Elementary Schools attended a presentation by Mr. Dimitris Polymatidis, the national coordinator for the F1 race in schools in Greece and Cyprus at the small theater of the Bodossakeion. The teams are feverishly preparing for their participation in the 13th Panhellenic Competition and during this period they are going from the design phase to the 3D construction phase of their vehicle. Mr. Polymatidis introduced our students to the track where their cars would race, explained how it works and records measurements and gave them the opportunity to "run" the vehicles on the track and compete against the finish time. With the valuable guidance and mentoring of teachers P. Lelis, I. Tryfiatis, T. Vlachos and E. Anthis, our children work cooperatively, cultivate their creativity, practice problem solving, and cultivate their critical thinking skills.