Athens College Elementary School Students Celebrated Programming Day 2023 and the Hour of Code 2023
From October 7 to October 22 of this year, the European Code Week took place. During this week, millions of children, parents, and teachers held events and activities in their schools around the world to learn to code. For this purpose, the Athens College Elementary School Computer Science teachers Ms. Popi Vassalou and Ms. Vivi Leli created on https://codeweek.eu six activity-events, one for each class, which were successfully implemented in the Computer Science workshops.
Students had the opportunity to celebrate this year's Hour of Code | Code.org from December 4 to December 8 during their Computer Science class. Hour of Code is supported by more than 400 partners, 20,000 educators and 58,000 volunteers around the world. The activities aimed to engage young classes (1st - 3rd) in a fun and creative way with programming by utilizing algorithmic structures such as sequence and iteration structure. The older classes (4th - 6th) carried out activities related to Artificial Intelligence. In particular, students were introduced to the concepts of Machine Learning and training data while exploring how Artificial Intelligence can be used to tackle global problems such as cleaning the oceans from garbage.
At the end of the activities, students received commemorative certificates for their participation in the celebration of European Code Week and Hour of Code 2023.