Athens College Elementary School - Three Schools exchange wishes for the New Year!
With hands stained with colors creating skies inspired by Dominikos Theotokopoulos, with the narratives of the great descriptions and images of Alexandros Papadiamantis' Christmas stories, students of section 5στ – AC Elementary with their teacher Mr. Loukas Zahos and students of 5γ- PC Elementary with Visual Arts teacher Ms. Vasiliki Spyrou, took an exciting virtual walk in the decorated city of Orestiada, with uniquely crafted holiday cards, and students of the 6th Elementary School "Evgenideio" as well as their teachers Ms. Ioanna Zerinou and Ms. Dimitra Boutsi. Drums and triangles and the voice of the great Thracian artist Chronis Aedonidis (1928-2023) filled the entire Workshop.
In this full of emotion meeting between the two sections of Athens College and Psychico College Elementary Schools at the Psychico College Visual Arts Studio, students sat down on the same desks with each other and their smiles became more intense once students of the 6th Elementary School of Orestiada joined them online from many kilometers away, making this companionship of learning and celebration grow a few days before welcoming the new year!
The three schools together with their teachers and with the valuable support of their Directors and Deputy Directors, came together with a common vision.
To meet again in 2024 and exchange more ideas, share more goals, and knowledge.