IB DP Year 1 Approaches to Learning (ATL) Skills Activity
As a part of the Approaches to Learning (ATL) skills component, IB DP Year 1 students took part in a poster creation activity that focused on current global issues like gender equality, climate change, war and conflict, food shortages, disarmament, and others.
As an extension to this activity, under the guidance of Mr. R. Scilipoti, ATL Coordinator, the students were divided into small groups and assigned the task of creating a short skit or play to raise awareness about one of the global issues. The entire cohort was then presented with these skits, and they had to guess the global issue presented. This activity gave the students an opportunity to work together, research, and collaborate, which are all important skills in the IB DP. As a follow-up, the students brainstormed on activities that could be run during the school year to promote awareness of current issues.