Final Round of the Three Hierarchs Oratory Competition at Athens College High School
The final round of Athens College High School’s “Three Hierarchs” Oratory Competition, open to 10th graders, was held on Tuesday, January 16, 2024 at the Athens College Theater.
Winner of the 2023-2024 “Three Hierarchs” Prize is Konstantinos Mastellos, while Eyangelia Mayrogianni placed second.
The theme of this year’s speech was:
The Three Hierarchs, as timeless model teachers and educators, spoke about the need for the all-round cultivation of the personality of young people through education. What elements could we draw from their teaching and life so that education does not lose its human-centered character?
The Committee of Judges for the Competition Finals was comprised of Charalambos Theodorellis-Rigas ’00, Professor of Political Science and Lecturer of Ancient Greek Language at the Department of Archaeology of the University of Koc in Istanbul, Eirini Kasapi, Assistant Professor of History at the Department of Theology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, and His Eminence Archimandrite, Fr. Isidoros-Charalambos Katsos '93, Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology at the Department of Theology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
Students who qualified into the final round of the competition were:
Apostolos Vasilikos
Kalliopi Sofia Gkika
Angelos Gkoritsas
Konstantinos Mastellos
Eyangelia Mayrogianni
Students who qualified in the semi-final round were:
Apostolos Lazaridis
Zoi Laou
Olga Makari
Vanesa Mata
Faidra Michala