Members of the"Power of a Flower" Organization visit the Athens College Junior High School
Jan 23, 2024
Monday, January 22, 2024, was a very important day for the Empowered Flowers Club of Athens College Junior High School, which we had been planning for a long time and looking forward to. Members of the "Power of a Flower" Organization visited the campus, to tour our School, to identify places suitable for planting flowers and turning them into small "gardens", thus beautifying the areas around the buildings of the Junior High School. Then, together we inaugurated our first "garden", and after placing signs made by students of the Empowered Flowers Club, we planted flowers following the valuable instructions of the "Power of a Flower" gardener. Among all other things that the people of "Power of a Flower" Organization offered us during their visit, the beautiful hoodies they designed and gave us stood out. We thank them for everything!
From the members of the "Empowered Flowers" Group and the Responsible Teachers Mr. Zafiris, Mr. Iliadou
From the members of the "Empowered Flowers" Group and the Responsible Teachers Mr. Zafiris, Mr. Iliadou