Library4all action - Bookwave at Athens College Elementary School
Bookwave is an annual action of the Library4all Organization which collects children's books for the equipment of school libraries by schools and any other organization or individual who wishes to do so.
The Athens College Elementary School, from the first day of operation of this organization and the Bookwave action, was a supporter of this project by collecting books from teachers and students.
This year and for the first time, students of the 15-member council of the School chose to participate in the action that took place on February 7 at the Benaki-Piraeus Museum in order to help sort and classify books in the context of volunteering that is cultivated in students by our School. Thus, on the 7th of February they went to the Museum together with School Director Mr. Kalogeras and their teachers Ms. D. Sougioul and Ms. S. Mandalou.
Special thanks to the inspirer and founder of Library4all, Ms.Eleni Geroulanou, who never stops offering to children in an innovative and creative way and who welcomed us at the Museum, informed us about the way the Organization operates and its activities and showed us once again that together we are stronger!
So let us travel with a huge wave of books...