PanHellenic Cross Country Championship 2024
Feb 25, 2024

The PanHellenic Cross Country Championship took place in Pigi of Trikala on Sunday, February 25, 2024 with 28 Athens College students and S.A.K.A athletes competing in the event.
The Men's K18 team won 1st place, the Girls' K16 team won 2nd place, the Boys' K16 team won 3rd place and the Women's K18 team won 5th place and all teams together took 1st place in the General Score with 1,054.89 evaluation points.
Six first places were taken by the following male and female athletes:
- Konstantinos Gonticas, Athens College Grade 11 student, in the 4k race, with 12’03 (1st place)
- Ioannis Bitounis, IB1 students, in the 4k race, with 12'04 (2nd place)
- Athanasios-Marios Zygouris '23, SAKA athlete, in the 8k race, with 24'11 (2nd place)
- Ioannis Dimopoulos, Athens College Grade 9 student, in the 3k race, with 9’25 (3rd place)
- Panagiotis-Georgios Zygouris ’23, SAKA athlete, in the 8k race, with 24'53 (6th place)
Athletes were accompanied by their teachers - trainers Mr. Giannis Economou and Ms. Maria Protopapa.