Athens College High School student distinguished in the 11th French Public Speaking Student Meeting"Conseil des Jeunes Citoyens 2024"
On Saturday, March 9, 2024, the 11th French Public Speaking Student Meeting "Conseil des Jeunes Citoyens" took place on the premises of the College De La Salle in Thessaloniki. The meeting was attended by 19 schools - many of them French-speaking - and 190 students from all over Greece. This competition is the only one in Greece for rhetoric in French. It is a simulation in French of an Open Citizens' Meeting that puts students in the role of active citizens.
Athens College High School was represented by the following Grade 12 students:
A.-M. Agoranou
D. Oikonomidi
A. Rallis
E. Rallis
O. Tzedaki
G. Chainis
A. Chatzidaki
E. Chatzimanolaki
M. Psarraki
Students Andreas Rallis and Efstratios Rallis won 1st place in the CADRE DE VIE - CONDITIONS OF LIFE and CULTURE categories respectively, and won the "Jeune Cotoyen" award.
Students were coached and accompanied in Thessaloniki by their French teachers Ms. Anna-Louiza Valindra and Ms. Konstantia Konstantinidou.
Congratulations to our students for their distinctions!