March 25th Celebration
On Monday, March 25, 2024, the traditional parade of the Athens College and Psychico College Junior High - High Schools took place in the Municipality of Filothei-Psychiko, in Neo Psychiko. The wreath-laying ceremony took place at the Heroes' Monument in the A' square of Psychiko.
Flag bearers – attendants from Athens College and Psychico College High Schools paraded in Syntagma on Friday, March 24.
Teacher-Supervisors for the parade:
College High School: Ms. Letta Stathopoulou
Psychico College High School: Mr. Nikitas
Athens College Junior High School: Mr. Christos Polyzos
Psychico College Junior High School: Mr. Dimitris Skarlatos
High School Flag Bearers – Attendants – Syntagma: Mr. Vasilis Makris
On Thursday, March 21, students of “John M. Carras” Kindergarten paraded with their flags in front of the main entrance of their School.
On the same day, a joint parade of students of both Elementary Schools took place in Kantza, followed by festive events and activities in the school units.