Athens College Junior High School students distinguished in the 2024 "EUCLIDES" and "ARCHIMEDES" Mathematical Competitions
The award ceremony for students who excelled in the "EUCLIDES" and "ARCHIMEDES" competitions of the National Mathematics Association took place at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens on Sunday, April 7, 2024.
Athens College Junior High School students, members of the Mathematical Thinking Club, who were distinguished in the competitions were the following:
Grade 7
Misthos Alexandros 2nd Prize
Grade 8
Kateris Lampros 1st Prize
Papadimitriou Vasileios 2nd Prize
Papadimitriou Ermis 2nd Prize
Polydoros Konstantinos 3rd Prize
Grade 9
Manioudakis Dimitrios Panagiotis 3rd Prize
Congratulations to all our students! We wish them every success in the upcoming competitions!