Psychico College High School Young Entrepreneurship Club Qualifies for Final of "Best Virtual Business 2024" Panhellenic Competition
The Psychico College High School Young Entrepreneurship Club qualified for the final of the Panhellenic Competition "Best Virtual Business 2024" of Junior Achievement Greece with the student virtual business CRASHLINK.
The Competition will take place on April 26, 2024 at the Hellenic Cosmos of the Foundation of the Hellenic World. 10 teams from schools all over Greece will participate in the final.
The innovative CRASHLINK device comes to complement even the most modern car safety system, since in case of a collision above specified g of the accelerometer it contains, it gives the signal of the location of the accident, simultaneously alerting a relative, the insurance company, and the ambulance even if the occupants are not in a position to call them.
Congratulations to our team for its qualification and to the Club's teacher - advisors, Mr. Athanasios Karamitsas, Ms. Eleni Markopoulou and Mr. Panagiotis Statiris. We wish you good luck in the final round!