Celebrating the International Day of Mathematics at Psychico College Junior High School
The establishment of an International Mathematics Day was an initiative of the United States of America to promote mathematics to students under the idea that doing mathematics can be fun. The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter is the number 3,14159265.... or the constant pi. The first three digits of the number correspond to the date March 14 (3.14). The exploitation of the misinterpretation of pi day as 'pie day' contributed to the holding of round pie celebrations to commemorate pi day.
In 2019, UNESCO declared 14 March as World Mathematics Day.
As in previous years, a celebration of the International Mathematics Day, or Pi day, was held at Psychico College Junior High School on Thursday March 14. The aim was to show the connections between mathematics and all kinds of fields, concepts and ideas.
Students showcased their creativity by designing posters for Pi Day and helping to organize and run a bake sale. With great participation from all the students in the Junior High School and the valuable help of the Parents Fund Drive volunteers, our students raised awareness and motivation to actively give back to the College community (proceeds from the bake sale support the Scholarship Fund).
#p pi day
#international day of mathematics