Athens College Elementary Roars on WXVU 89.1: Tune In Now!
Embark on an auditory journey with Athens College Elementary' s Grade 5 students as they showcase their newfound skills and knowledge in radio broadcasting. Led by Fulbright ETA Allison Bajada, these young radio enthusiasts delved into the evolution of radio, explored the significance of the Golden Age of Radio, and even crafted their own spine-tingling radio dramas inspired by the infamous War of the Worlds broadcast.
Throughout the project, students not only honed their public speaking abilities but also delved deep into Greek history, customs, and traditions. Divided into teams, they meticulously prepared and recorded 39 captivating Greek Culture Minutes, covering topics ranging from ancient Greek mythology to modern-day traditions. These minutes, now available for all to enjoy, offer a glimpse into the rich tapestry of Greek culture.
Experience the magic of Athens College Elementary' s Grade 5 radio project by tuning in to WXVU 89.1 The Roar! If you want to dive deeper into the behind-the-scenes action, explore additional resources, and listen to the captivating broadcasts created by our talented students, visit https://wxvu.org/the-roar-at-athens-college-elementary/ . You will discover more about this exciting project and immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Greek culture brought to life by our budding broadcasters.