Athens College Elementary School Environmental and Gardening - Our harvest
Apr 19, 2024
Students of the Environmental and Gardening Club of Athens College Elementary School enthusiastically harvested their crops from the Club's garden. The lettuces were grown 100% organic and after their harvest, they filled with their freshness both the indoor and outdoor spaces. Our children worked hard and with dedication for their cultivation, always with the guidance of the teachers in charge of the Club, Ms. M. Giannakopoulou and Mr. G. Tzouvistas.
With their lettuce in biodegradable bags, students eagerly awaited for the end of the school day, so that they could prepare a salad for the family table with the products of their production.
Congratulations to all!
With their lettuce in biodegradable bags, students eagerly awaited for the end of the school day, so that they could prepare a salad for the family table with the products of their production.
Congratulations to all!