The lonely bee - An outdoor activity of Psychico College Grade 2 students
Apr 29, 2024
In the garden of our School, the lonely little bee became the ultimate protagonist.
With the help of the Grade 2 students, we discovered the wondrous world of the bee and its beneficial properties.
Through games, observations, and creative activities, we learned about the role of the bee in nature and its importance for human life.
This experience strengthened our young students' connection with nature and their understanding of the important role that bees play on our planet.
With the help of the Grade 2 students, we discovered the wondrous world of the bee and its beneficial properties.
Through games, observations, and creative activities, we learned about the role of the bee in nature and its importance for human life.
This experience strengthened our young students' connection with nature and their understanding of the important role that bees play on our planet.