Alki Zei - Georges Sari: The great walk of a friendship - Athens College Junior High School
On Monday, April 22, 2024, Athens College Junior High School organized and presented at the School's Theater, an event in tribute of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Alki Zei and Georges Sari.
The event was about the friendship between the two writers as highlighted through their biography, their shared memories, and their works. It included expressive readings, live music, on-stage art, contemporary dance, and an exhibition of student works inspired by the books and the friendship of the two authors.
The event was attended by students from all classes of Athens College Junior High School, as well as teachers of various specialties, who contributed in their own way to the realization of this multifaceted event, which aimed to mobilize, in multiple ways, members of the student community and to honor the memory and friendship of the two authors.
As part of the preparation, students interviewed Ms. Irini Sevastikoglou, former interpreter at the European Parliament, daughter of Alki Zei, and Mr. Alexis Karakostas, psychiatrist, son of Georges Sari. During the event, extracts from the very interesting discussions were shown.
The event was attended by Ms. Irini Sevastikoglou and Ms. Konstantina Ziropoulou, Assistant Professor at the Department of Theater Studies of the University of Patras.
The event was organized by the philologists of the Athens College Department of Greek Language, Martha Iliadou, Natasha Merkouri, Matina Spanou and Emilia Strepeli.
Philologists Maria Vranopoulou and Alexandra Petridi were responsible for the exhibition.