Students and teachers of London's Hampshire School of Chelsea visited Psychico College Elementary School
On Friday May 24, we had the pleasure of having students and teachers from the Hampshire School of Chelsea, an international school from London, visiting our school. The children, aged 8 το11, were welcomed to Latseio by student-ambassadors who took them on a tour around the School. Students of the Music Club presented songs from their performance “Midsummer's Night Dream”. A demonstration of athletic events skills at the stadium by 2nd graders followed and then our guests visited arts classes and made their own pins. They attended English and French classes in 4th, 5th and 6th grade and had lunch in the school cafeteria with our students. During recess time they mingled with our students and participated in outdoor games. Joy and liveliness reflected the children’s happy spirits. Finally, students of the UNESCO Club taught our visitors traditional Greek dances.
A constructive exchange of views on educational issues and teaching practices between the visiting teachers and our English Department teachers took place. The Hampshire School of Chelsea visit served as an opportunity to raise cross-cultural awareness and strengthen global citizenship qualities!