"Wisdom at School" Philosophy Program at Psychico College Elementary
The "Wisdom at School" Philosophy Program visited Psychico
College Elementary School for the last time during the 2023-2024 school year on
Thursday, June 6, 2024. School Director Ms. Dimitra Panagouli, welcomed with
great pleasure the Rector of the National and Kapodistrian University of
Athens, Mr. Gerasimos Siasos and the Director of the Laboratory of Philosophy -
Governance - Economy and scientific head of the Program, Professor of
Philosophy at the University of Athens, Mr. Georgios N. Politis, at the Latseion
Theater for the "Graduation of Wisdom". The Program "Wisdom at
School" was developed by the Philosophy - Governance - Economics
Laboratory, PPE Lab, of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Athens,
having received approval from the Hellenic Foundation for Research and
Innovation (ELIDEK). The Program aims at cultivating critical perception and
familiarizing children with the philosophical way of thinking and was
implemented in all 4th grade classes of Psychico College Elementary. At the "graduation
ceremony", Wisdom said goodbye to the children in an atmosphere of joy,
emotion, and enthusiasm.
We wish our young, little philosophers to have a
fruitful career!