Athens College Junior High School - A Unique Experience full of Taste, Creativity and... Austrian Tradition!
In the framework of the MYP program, Athens College Junior High School students of the cLA4-G5 had a unique experience full of taste, creativity and... Austrian tradition! Working in groups, pairs or individually, they baked the famous Austrian Sachertorte at home and proudly presented it to their classmates.
During the presentation, the groups explained in German the steps they followed to bake their cake, revealing the little secrets of their recipe. In this way, they had the opportunity to learn more about the traditional Austrian taste of Sachertorte and its history, while at the same time strengthening their communication and intercultural skills, in accordance with the objectives of the MYP programme.
A competition for the best Sachertorte was then held, with a total of 7 wonderful creations, each with its own unique look. The jury, consisting of 4 students, evaluated the cakes based on taste, texture, and appearance and were impressed by the creativity of all participants. The atmosphere was warm, full of smiles, and enthusiasm.
It was a special activity that combined language, imagination, and taste with creativity and communication. Congratulations to all the students on their excellent work!