IB DP_Letter to Yr2 parents - M21 exam session

Mar 16, 2021

To parents and legal guardians

of Year 2 students

of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme

of the Private High School – Psychico College

Psychico, March 16th, 2021


Dear parents,

Following our ongoing communication regarding the IB DP May 2021 exam session, we would like to inform you that a meeting of the IB Schools in Greece Association (IBSIGA) was held on Friday, March 12th, 2021.

Given that the International Baccalaureate Organisation is closely monitoring the evolving situation both at a global and a national level, IBSIGA decided to send a letter to the IBO, updating the Organisation of the government’s further extension of school closures until March 29th. Also, given the decision for this new extension, IBSIGA expressed the need for an immediate response by the IB in the event that there is a change from the exam route to the non-exam route.

As we anticipate the IB’s response, rest assured that our school continues its coordinated efforts to remain well prepared for any future developments.


Warm regards,



Panagiotis Giannoulatos                                                                     Antonios Apostolou

Psychico College High School Director                                               IB DP Coordinator
