Our Programs



Beyond the rigorous curriculum our students have an opportunity to spend their time creatively and enjoyably by participating in diverse activities offered by Athens College's after-school program, the Special Programs.

The programs offer foreign language lessons in English, French, German, Spanish and Mandarin Chinese, a comprehensive Athletics and Dance program, a Conservatory which prepares students for exams in orchestral and modern instruments and organizes concerts, innovative lessons in STEAM and chess. Students choose from among 55 options, one of the largest, if not the largest, after-school program in the Balcans. Over 1500 students each year train for competitions; prepare to sit foreign language certification exams; take classes in fine and performing arts; go on excursions; and train in competitive team sports.

Special Programs classes are conducted in our school’s state-of-the-art facilities, under the guidance of specialized teachers.  By participating in these, students socialize and interact with similarly aged children who share their same interests.

Music classes at the College Conservatory are open to students from outside our school.

“J.M. Carras” Kindergarten Students Visit College Elementary School

May 16, 2018, 03:00 AM by Vicky Anastassini
In response to an invitation sent by 1st grade students, on Monday, April 30th, students of the “J.M.

In response to an invitation sent by 1st grade students, on Monday, April 30th, students of the “J.M. Carras” Kindergarten, together with their teachers and the Head of the Kindergarten, Ms. T. Gkouskou, visited Athens College Elementary School.  The purpose of the visit was to have Kindergarten students meet 1st graders, to acquainted them with the new “environment” in which they will schooled this coming September, and to give them a tour of the main facilities of their new School.

In the days preceding the visit, 1st grade teachers decorated the School’s entrance in order to create a warm environment for our visitors.  Upon the Kindergarten students’ arrival, they were greeted by the Elementary School’s Director, Mr. L. Zachos, the Assistant Director of the Lower Section, Mr. S. Kallimanis, 1st grade teachers and members of the 5-member , 5th grade student council.  In September, this year’ 5th graders will be the “big buddies” to the young, incoming 1st graders.


When the Kindergartners reached the 1st grade classrooms, they met their host-students, toured the facilities they will be using next year (patios, fountains, toilets) and ate a light snack.

Afterwards, 1st graders, along with their teachers, showed their guests the School’s outdoor spaces: the pedestrian zone, the vegetable garden, the track field and the elevated basketball courts.  There, 1st graders and Kindergarten students formed mixed teams and, together with 1st grade teachers, their assistants and the faculty members who accompanied the Kindergarten students, engaged in team sports. 


When the games were over, together they returned to the classrooms.  First grade students gave Kindergarten students mementos which they had made on the days prior to the visit, whilst Elementary School teachers gave their Kindergarten counterparts their own mementos.



 As the Kindergarten students departed, the Elementary School’s 1st graders, their teachers and Administrators bade them goodbye and renewed their rendezvous for September.



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