Psychico College Junior High School Students Successfully Complete Hellenic Mathematical Society’s 81st Student Competition “Thales”

The following Psychico College Junior High School students successfully completed the 81st PanHellenic Mathematics Competition “Thales”:
Junior High School 8th Grade
Mprezatis, Panagiotis
Junior High School 9th Grade
Kokkali, Vasiliki
Papaioannidis, Maximos-Anastastios
The above students qualify to take part in the National Mathematics Olympiad, “ARCHIMEDES,” that will be held on Saturday, June 5, at 10:00, in Athens and several Regional Centers that will be announced in the upcoming day on the HMS website.
The contestants’ performance in the “ARCHIMEDES” round will determine which students will comprise the national team that will represent Greece in the Junior Balkan Mathematical Olympiad and the International Mathematical Olympiad.
Warm congratulations to our students on their success. We wish them good luck in the National Mathematics Olympiad!