Double victory for the Athens College Forensics team at the Panhellenic Forensics Association Tournament 2022
Our School’s Forensics team won the 1st Place Sweepstakes Cup and the Debate Cup at the Panhellenic Forensics Association Tournament 2022 hosted online by Anatolia College on March 17-20.
Our team ranked first among the 18 participating schools from Athens, Thessaloniki and Larissa, with 11 Finalists and 7 Honorable Mentions in the individual events of the competition. Two of our students won the First Among Equals Award in Dramatic Monologues and Group Discussion. It is the second consecutive year that the award in Group Discussion is received by one of our students.
In Debate, our teams competed with great success, and both teams reached the Final of the competition, in which they debated against each other to win the Debate Cup. This is the first time in over 20 years that both teams to qualify for the final come from the same school.
The full list of our students’ distinctions is:
Original Oratory:
- Finalists: Manos Alevras (High School 1, PC), Marialena Petropoulou-Botsiou (IB1), Aris Panagiotis Tsomokos (High School 2, AC)
- Honorable
Mention: Thetis Fourli (IB2)
Oral Interpretation of Literature - Dramatic:
- Finalist: Iro Mavrou (IB1)
- Honorable
Mentions: Konstantina Aliki Vekri (IB1), George
Kyriakopoulos (ΙΒ2)
Oral Interpretation of Literature - Comic:
- Finalist: Marialena Mourtzouchou (High School 2, PC)
- Honorable Mentions: Ilektra Chatzidimitriou (High School 3, PC), Aris Panagiotis Tsomokos (High School 2, AC)
Group Discussion:
- First Among Equals: Vasiliki Papavasiliou (High School 2, PC)
- Finalist: Leonidas Marinopoulos (High School 1, PC)
- Honorable
Mentions: Rozy Betrosian (IB1), Filippa Papachristopoulou
(High School 1, PC)
Monologues - Dramatic:
- First Among Equals: Anastasia Ilaeira Achourioti (IB1)
- Finalist: Ilektra
Chatzidimitriou (High School 3, PC)
Monologues - Comic:
- Finalists: Christina Kokkali
(ΙΒ1), Ioanna
Perroti (High School 2, AC)
Debate Champions:
- Maria Chissa (IB2), Eftychia Christodoulou (IB1), George Kyriakopoulos (ΙΒ2), Vasiliki Lentzaki (IB2), Melitini Monemvasioti (IB2)
Debate Runners Up:
- Achilleas
Frangos (IB2), Charikleia Moraitaki (High School 3, PC), Maria Karolina Rokka
(High School 2, AC), Stella Stenou (IB2), Leonidas Tsaousis (High School
2, PC)
Debate Top 10 Speakers:
- 2nd: Stella Stenou (IB2)
- 4th: George Kyriakopoulos (ΙΒ2)
- 6th: Charikleia Moraitaki (High School 3, PC)
- 7th: Maria Chissa (IB2)
- 10th: Vasiliki Lentzaki (IB2)
Our Forensics coaches that prepared our students for this competition are:
Phaedra Aggelaki, Eriketi Andreadaki, George Aravossis, Kallina Basli, George Filippopoulos,
Vayianna Fotakidou, Argyro Hadjieleftheriadou, Vicky Mavrika, Anthi Savvaki,
and Vassilis Tsipopoulos.
The 36 students from the Junior High and High Schools of Athens College and Psychico College who represented our school and competed with great success against more than 450 participants are: Achilleas Frangos, Alexandros Papagiannis, Aliki Varela, Anastasia Ilaeira Achourioti, Andreas Tsekouras, Aris Panagiotis Tsomokos, Charikleia Moraitaki, Christina Christodoulou, Christina Kokkali, Clio Tzoannos, Eftychia Christodoulou, Eirini Filippa Papakyriakou, Emmanouil Alevras, Filippa Papachristopoulou, Georgios Kyriakopoulos, Ioanna Drakopoulou, Ioanna Perroti, Iro Mavrou, Konstantina Aliki Vekri, Leonidas Marinopoulos, Leonidas Tsaousis, Maria Chissa, Marilena Mourtzouchou, Marialena Petropoulou-Botsiou, Maria Ilektra Chatzidimitriou, Maria Karolina Rokka, Martha Alevra, Maximos Anastasios Papaioannidis, Melitini Monemvasioti, Rozy Angeliki Betrosian, Sofia Maria Antoniadou, Stella Stenou, Thetis Fourli, Vasileios Perrotis, Vasiliki Lentzaki, Vasiliki Papavasileiou.
Congratulations to all our students and coaches!