The Kindergarten curriculum is enriched with special programs in order to enhance students’ skills, values, attitudes and aesthetic cultivation to the greatest possible extent.


The acronym STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) refers to an integrated and unified teaching approach for each of these five components. Following the latest global trend, the kindergarten has adopted this approach in its academic program.  Teachers work collaboratively to help students develop their creativity, imagination, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills to the fullest.  The procedure is the following:

  • A question problem is raised by students or teachers.
  • Solutions are proposed and the best one is chosen.
  • Students design their proposed solution and then select and organize their tools.
  • Following their proposed plan, students construct their idea and test it to see if it works or whether it needs to be adjusted or modified in order to achieve the desired result.
  • Students present their constructions to their classmates.
The cultivation of students’ moral values is developed by observing the attitude and behavior of adults (parents, teachers, etc.) as well through teaching.  The Honor Code program integrates values and principles into daily school life.  Through experiential activities, students become aware of the value of friendship, solidarity, gratitude, diversity, self-respect (physical and mental health) as well as, respect for others, animals and the environment.

The Artist of the Month program gives students the opportunity to acquaint themselves with important artists and their work and to become inspired by art in order to create artwork “through their own lenses.”

Students are given the opportunity to present themselves and their families to their classmates.  Students organize the information they want to communicate, develop presentation skills, learn to listen to the presentations of others and ask pertinent questions in both Greek and English.   

The kindergarten lending library is a unique gateway to knowledge as the programs it offers and its collection help to develop reading appreciation, as well as communication and research skills.  It also promotes the concept of interculturalism by giving students the opportunity to become familiar with the world and express themselves through books.

Its objective is for students to be exposed to recreational reading, cultivate critical thinking skills, and develop imagination.

The library is part of the kindergarten’s pedagogical – educational program and, as such, library time is built into the student’s weekly timetable.  During library time, librarians read or narrate fairytales to students. The library operates during school hours for both students and staff members. 

Through special activities, students are exposed to and become familiar with all forms of speech (written or spoken) in both Greek and English.  Students also have the opportunity to attend selected events based on transdisciplinary themes as well as, presentations from authors and illustrators whose goal is to cultivate a love of reading.  The “Book Games” program, which has been implemented in recent years, gives parents an opportunity to get involved in promoting reading appreciation every month, while students are involved in the research process.

The head librarian collaborates with classroom teachers and the PYP Coordinator in planning educational activities and designing the Units of Inquiry.

Every kindergarten student has a Library Diary. Each student designs the cover of the Library Diary with a free drawing. A record of the books that a student has checked out while attending the kindergarten is recorded in the Library Diary as well as, the recommended activity that was implemented for each book.

Reading Appreciation – Philanagnosia Program

The library provides “ Philanagnosia” lessons for kindergarten students.  “Philanagnosia” is a pleasant time for students who, in addition to recreational reading, become acquainted with the research process that has been adapted to their age and abilities.  More specifically, students become familiar with the way the library collection is organized and the steps needed to locate and evaluate information about a book using both print and online sources.  Depending on the topic a class is exploring, students search for information in books on their own. This allows them to develop critical thinking and social skills as they work with classmates. During this teaching period, students also learn about information found on a book cover and in other bibliographic data.  Lastly, students practice reading comprehension and learn to use digital resources in which the library has access to.