Daddy, do you love me?
grades 1 - 3Author : Vasilis Koutsiaris
Edition : Ellinoekdotiki Publications

The Fantastic Book of Professions
1st - 2nd gradesAuthor : Eric Puybaret
Edition : Livanis Publications S.A.

The Nutcracker
2nd - 3rd gradesEdition : Metaichmio

What I Would Do if I Were Santa Claus
1st - 3rd gradesAuthor : Tatiana Zographou
Edition : Kalentis

Nelly and the Quest for Captain Peabody
3rd & 4th gradesAuthor : Roland Chambers
Edition : Kaleidoscope Publications

The Pilot and the Little Prince (The life of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, born in France in 1900, is best remembered as theauthor of The Little Prince. However,he was also a pioneering aviator who worked airmail routes. This book, full of sensitivity, is anarrative of Saint-Exupéry’s life and, simultaneously, a chronicle of howaviation changed mankind.

How I Got Involved with the Justice System and Other Unfamiliar Words
4th - 6th gradesAuthor : Panos Christodoulou
Edition : Children's Law Library

Friends (English title: The Lion and the Bird)
1st - 2nd gradesAuthor : Marianne Dubuc
Edition : Nefeli